There are many benefits to having a remote team, but one of the downsides is that you can't always observe their work. If you're not careful, it will be very easy for your remote employees to fall into a rut and not get better at their job.

That's why you need to have regular performance reviews with your remote team members. These reviews should be conducted in the same way as you would conduct them for your on-site employees. The only difference is that you can't be in the same room with them. You'll need to use other forms of communication, such as video conferencing or phone calls.

Best practices for conducting a repote performance review

Here's a list of best practices for conducting a remote performance review:

  • Make sure that everyone who needs to be involved in the meeting is available at the same time. If someone can't make it, reschedule the meeting or conduct an individual meeting with them instead.
  • Schedule the meeting early in the morning or late in the afternoon so that everyone can attend without missing work.
  • Set up a video conference call and make sure everyone can hear everyone else.
  • Send out meeting invites and follow-up reminders to make sure everyone knows when and where the meeting will take place.
  • Use a tool like MeetingBurner or GoToMeeting to conduct the meeting. These tools allow you to share documents, take notes, and even record the meeting so that you can review it later.
  • During the meeting, make sure your remote employees know that they're being observed just like any other employee would be observed.
  • Have everyone in the meeting introduce themselves by name and role.
  • Go around the room and have each person talk about what they've been working on lately and what they plan to work on next. This will give everyone an opportunity to speak up and share what they're working on.
  • Ask each person to give an update on their goals for this year, as well as how they plan on achieving those goals. Then ask them what they need

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